Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Painkillers are awesome! :)

Morning! Yesterday's dentist appointment resulted in a Tuesday morning endodontist appointment for a root canal. Despite my anxiety about the procedure, I'm happy to have some resolution.

The painkillers kept me a little loopy yesterday, which is why I didn't get a chance to post.

Josh and I went to see The Collector. He wanted to go see that with friends rather than go see a free screening of 500 Days of Summer. Let's just say once the movie was over I was even MORE irritated to have wasted free tickets.

Before leaving the house this morning I had a blueberry Chobani with triple berry granola.

This morning I had my training appointment and here's what we did (the reps are approx. as I was still a little fuzzy from the painkillers):
  • chest press machine (3 sets of 12)
  • shoulder press machine (3 sets of 10)
  • chest fly machine (3 sets of 12)
  • seated bicep curls with free weights (3 sets of 12)
  • tricep kickbacks (3 sets of 10)
  • bicycle crunches (1 set of 12--each side)
  • slow reverse crunches with knees bent (1 set of 10)
  • oblique leg drops...she also applied pressure on the way back up each time to make it harder (1 set of 10)
After training I did Week 3, Day 1 of the Couch to 5K program.

I'm thinking that on my lunch break I'm going to go do a yoga stretch class. I definitely need it and maybe it will help relieve some of my stress about next week's dentist appointment.

Talk to you this afternoon!

1 comment:

  1. oh no... a root canal? Glad to know that those painkillers are working :)
